Ghosting the Machine: Project Launch, with Sahej Rahal
Event Video
Shared Ecologies is pleased to announce an online presentation of works and project launch for ‘Ghosting the Machine’, a workshop series developed and conducted by artist Sahej Rahal. The workshop series took place between November 2022 and January 2023, after which the participating artists developed their projects, now to be launched in a new microsite.
Ghosting the Machine
The rampancy of machinic intelligence bolstered by mega-corporations today, threatens to subsume the faculty of all conscious experience. An image of a planet as computable clockwork is conjured, that by extension, transforms all that lies upon the earth into a standing stockpile of resources waiting to be plugged in and plundered into the machinic movements of global capital. Codified, categorized, and cut away from the whole. Yet the very tools lulling us into inactive spectatorship, hold unlikely trapdoors of escape. Join us as we seek these exits, between the porous boundaries of the collapsing present and the possible futures that await us.