Ghosting the Machine

An AI Workshop by Sahej Rahal
Supported by the Shared Ecologies program from Shyama Foundation

The Convoluted Passage

by Sudhir Ambasana

Convolution refers to a principle in mathematics where a third function is derived by operating two functions in order to determine how a value of one is modified by the other. Convolution in computational imaging can be understood with digital filters where the image output is the convolution between the impulse response and an input signal.

The convoluted passage is a linear time invariant system (LSI), spatially organized like a labyrinth in order to derive a language structure for possible prompt generation. In today’s context of increasing AI based tool availability for so-called quick creativity, such a system somehow aims to formalize this process in an attempt to critique the underlying excessive production of art. The input signals (second function) are fed in first before convoluting them with the impulse signals (first function) to device a language model which then generates the prompt. The space is thought of to be homogeneous in nature only making the interaction between the said functions possible irrespective of their temperament, however, over the course of actually visualizing it, the generated images from the language model adds a layer of spatial convolution. The general structure of this LSI system is as follows –

*A series of enclosures (perhaps architectural) stratified one after the other on both, X and Y axis.

*A ground plane stretching through the stratified expanse along the horizontal axis in both directions inter-connecting the enclosures like a Renaissance hallway as opposed to a more modern corridor.

*Each enclosure is composed of an input signal generated from a part of the text ’The Year of Passages’ by Reda Bensmaia- now convoluted in relation to its position on X and Y axis (ex. Melting Birds at 3,2 or Grotesque Tumor at 1,1) using derivate functions as impulse signals.

*The X and Y axis are the impulse signals, a fixed parameter elucidating the primary characteristics of the system. In order to hyper-realize the specificity of such a virtual world- derivative functions like Landscape, Interior, Object, Movement and Text are considered as a deconstructed/classified analogy of what a world would essentially consists of, which is then subject to simultaneous addition and multiplication with the input signal in order to determine the degree of convolution.

Ghosting the Machine
A Shared Ecologies Microsite

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