Open Call for Writing Natures Issue 02

Insubordinate Vitalities: Natures across Documentary

“I have nothing more to say.”

Analysing the spring of eco-political documentaries to emerge from Narmada Bachao Andolan, scholar Bishnupriya Ghosh notes several moments of disjuncture that haunt the genre (2009). The above statement, made by Bhula Moti and translated here to English, marks the end of a testimony in Anand Patwardhan and Simantini Dhuru’s film A Narmada Diary (1995), with the speaker turning their back to the camera, signifying the limits of articulating ecological loss. Ghosh notes that this lexical limit is accompanied by a symbolic rupture—the testimonies speak of a home that once was, while the frame relays an altered landscape. As the camera zooms towards the dam, the rupture extends onward, widening the discursive space between testimony and image, the filmmakers and landscape, the edited film and its scattered viewership. 

In the second edition of Writing Natures, we invite pitches that explore the construction and situating of natures in the “document” and the “documentary” form. Such entangled documents are created through technologies of capture and testimony elicitation, and modalities of authorship and craft. In Beyond Story Manifesto (2018), Alisa Lebow and Alexandra Juhasz, state that “Forms are cultural, political, and ethical commitments in their own right.” Documentary forms, ranging from documentary media and activist artmaking to governance records, use storytelling and other craft techniques to reassemble the complex processes of ecology and the dynamism of situatedness into fixed media surfaces. While creative practitioners seek to “find” and relay stories rooted in nature, governmental records position nature as a “storyless” collection of information in reports and policy documents. These gestures reveal that natures and their transfer to documentary formats, however reflexive or diverse in their sources, can often enact histories of processual erasure, absence, and inaudibility.

What do “storytelling” and “data gathering”—often viewed as disparate modes of narrating natures—eclipse, restrict, assimilate, and obfuscate? Can focalizing natures in our engagement with documents alert us to understanding capture and craft as enactments of power in diverse projects—from itinerant and dislocated creative projects and documentaries to standardised indices of measurement by agencies? 

We are interested in pitches that activate methodologies to critically examine the “document” as a form in mediating natures. We look forward to engagement with projects that are subverting or refusing narrative power and extractive artmaking across formats and notional sites, and exploration of strategies that read mediated natures through a practice of critical fabulation (Hartman, 2008) and counterlistening (Ouzounian, 2020), attuning us to the echoes of insurgent matter, fugitive frequencies, spectral interruptions, processual slippages and mishappenings, glitches and corruption resonant within documents as insubordinate vitalities. We invite critical essays, text and image compositions, fiction, creative nonfiction, comics, scripts, reportage, personal essays, poems, photo essays, texts, research-led and experimental writings, annotated stills, audio recordings, compositions, dialogues and conversations, manifestos, open letters, and any experimental forms not listed here.

Suggested Readings 

Bishnupriya Ghosh, “We Shall Drown But We Shall Not Move”: The Ecologies of Testimony in NBA Documentaries (2009).

Mona Bhan. Weathering the Occupation: Meteorological Wars and Climate Futures in Kashmir (2023).

Pooja Rangan. Inaudible Evidence: Counterforensic Listening in Contemporary Documentary Art (2020).

Pooja Rangan. Audibilities: Voice and Listening in the Penumbra of Documentary: An Introduction (2017).

Fatimah Tobing Rony. Taxidermy and Romantic Ethnography (1996).

Dylan Robinson. Hungry Listening: Resonant Theory for Indigenous Sound Studies (2020).

Gerald Vizenor. Aesthetics of Survivance: Literary Theory and Practice (2008).

Azza El-Hassan. Working with Visual Remains (2023).

Shela Sheikh. Planting Seeds/The Fires of War’: The Geopolitics of Seed Saving in Jumana Manna’s Wild Relatives (2018).,%20Shela.%20%E2%80%9CPlanting%20Seeds%20The%20Fires%20of%20War.pdf

Raminder Kaur and Mariagiulia Grassilli. Towards a Fifth Cinema (2018).

Submission Guidelines
  1. Email your pitches, along with 2 selected pieces and website/CV to
  2. Your pitch must be up to 200-250 words, describing the form of writing you will be conducting along with a concept note. Visuals can be added if available or relevant. 
  3. We expect the final contribution to have an extent of 2000-3000 words. 
  4. For mixed media writing (comics, photo essays, text and image compositions etc.), we are expecting 800-1000 words with a minimum of 4 double-page spreads of visuals, including 10-15 images, panels, photographs, etc. 
  5. The piece will be developed in consultancy with the Guest Editor and Shared Ecologies, who will provide editorial support. 
  6. The final draft will be developed, copy edited and proofread in tandem with the Guest Editor and Shared Ecologies. Intellectual rights remain with the writer of the piece. We will be available for feedback wherever required. 
  7. All image permissions must be sought by the contributor. We cannot extend an image fee. The Guest Editor will be available to assist only in case of lack of responsiveness from the concerned artist/institution.
  8. Remuneration for one contribution is INR 20,000. The articles will be published online via the Shared Ecologies website, produced as a PDF publication, and printed at a later date as a volume of writing with more issues. 
  1. Submission of pitch: 10 November 2024
  2. Selection of Contributors to be Announced: 20 November 2024
  3. Submission of first draft: First week of January 2025 
  4. Submission of final draft: First week of February 2025
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